Direct Hire

Direct Hire Positions

A Direct Hire is a full-time position as an immediate placement of an individual directly to your payroll. Direct placement is different from a contract worker and contract-to-hire mainly because they both are for a predetermined evaluation period or meant to fill short-term needs, although some contracts are long-term. A contract-to-hire may last longer than a contract worker and provides significant flexibility by giving you the option of hiring the contractor after their contract period ends. In both contracted short-term and contract-to-hire arrangements, the worker remains on Trotter payroll rather than your payroll.

direct placement

Direct hires offer a full range of advantages for both the candidate who is selected and your company. There are several benefits for hiring through a direct hire placement option and below are some examples of how these benefits can work for you. Whether you are hiring permanent roles such as a project manager or electrical engineer, a direct hire option is your best choice for producing results.

Benefits of Direct Hire

We understand that not all businesses have a human resources department and sometimes the hiring duties are managed by someone who already has a set of full-time responsibilities. However, if your company already has a human resource department to handle hiring and staffing concerns, they may be overwhelmed with tasks and several roles to fill. Trotter has the resources to lift the burden of that responsibility and handle the time-consuming process of sourcing and qualifying candidates. This leaves your human resource department with more time spent on high priority business demands. Sometimes this may mean you, if you are the owner/operator of a smaller company.

When you’re handling hiring internally, you’re limited to your own networks and sourcing channels. This can make it hard to connect with niche candidates, especially if you’re looking for expertise that’s outside of your core industry. Trotter has access to a vast national network of candidates, not to mention multiple recruiters who have spent years developing personal and professional relationships with a wide range of people. They also bring the resources, tools, and expertise needed to connect with such candidates on your behalf, making it much easier to hire for hard-to-fill roles.

Sourced candidates as a full-time employees: From the very first day, a direct hire is an employee placed on your payroll to which they are sourced for. This could mean greater buy in to a company’s goals and culture. They also tend to be more engaged at work, which contributes to higher productivity and greater long-term stay at your company.

Since a direct hire placement is signing on with your company for the foreseeable future, you can plan on investing more resources in professional development and skills training. You can also spend more time making sure they are the right cultural fit to mesh with other people on your team. The result of feeling belonged can grow loyalty and commitment to your organization, which in turn can contribute to lower turnover.

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